Nature Happenings
Project FeederWatch continues,
Rufous Hummingbirds and Violet-green Swallows arrive.
(Violet-green Swallow)
Trumpeter Swans depart.
Turkey Vultures arrive.
House Sparrows begin nesting.
(House Sparrow)
Mason Bees emerge and begin their life cycle.
(Mason Bee)
Nesting Bald Eagles lay on their eggs early in the month.
Orange-crowned Warblers and Virginia Rails arrive.
(Orange-crowned Warbler)
(Virginia Rail)
Skunk Cabbage and Trilliums bloom.
Dogwoods and flowering Cherry and Plum Trees bloom.
Crows begin to build their nests.
Gray Whales return to Puget Sound waters.
Ospreys return from their winter home on the Pacific coast of Mexico.
Great Blue Herons nest in communal rookeries.
(Great Blue Heron)